2018年六年级英语上册期末测试卷及答案 您所在的位置:网站首页 pupil同类词teacher baby 2018年六年级英语上册期末测试卷及答案


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1、六年级英语上册期末测试卷六年级英语上册期末测试卷 (共(共 100100 分)分) 一、找出不同类的单词。(5 分) () 1. A. cinemaB. hospitalC. libraryD. quiet () 2. A. circusB. matchC. parkD. zoo () 3. A. teaB. milkC. juiceD. meat () 4. A. partyB. footballC. basketballD. ping-pong () 5. A. ChinaB. AustraliaC. SydneyD. English 二、按要求写一写。(10 分 ) 1. is(复数)_

2、2. teach(第三人称单数)_ 3. swim 动词-ing 形式_4. hobby(复数) )_ 5. fly(动词-ing 形式)_6. have(第三人称单数)_ 7. can not (缩写形式)_8. let us (缩写形式)_ 9.story(复数)_10.study(第三人称单数)_ 三、选择填空。(15) () 1. Do you have _ homework than before? A. littleB. lessC. littler () 2. Jack worked _ a long time in the afternoon and he was tired.

3、 A. atB. inC. for () 3. There isnt _ in the house. A. anybodyB. somebodyC. everybody () 4. Lucy _ some books tomorrow. A. buysB. going to buyC. is going to buy () 5. He often _ a No.22 bus to the Book Centre. A. takesB. takingC. take () 6. -Do you want anything to drink?-_ A. Yes, please. B. A piece

4、 of bread, please. C. A cup of tea, please. () 7. It is _ interesting to stay in Hong Kong than in Moscow. A. moreB. manyC. much () 8. I got_ lucky money this year than last year. A. littleB. smallerC. less () 9. Help yourself _some fish. A. withB. toC. for () 10. -What _your school_?-Its nice and b

5、ig. 春知教育 1 A. does, likeB. does, lookC. is, like 四、写出句子所缺的词的适当形式。(7% ) 1. The pupils _ (watch) the play yesterday evening. 2. Mike _ (do) some _ (read) in the library every Monday. 3. The boy _ (help) his sister _ (make) the snowman now. 4. The children _ (plant) the trees on the hill this morning.

6、5. The woman _ (go) to the market last Sunday. 6. The teacher _ (talk) with the boy yesterday afternoon. 7. I_ (have) a cold last week. 五、根据上下文选择所给的单词填空。(10% ) make, delicious, their, garden, need, only, garden, invite, every, buy My mother is going to have a cookie party in our _1_. She is going to

7、 _2_ all the mothers and_3_ young children in our street (街道). There are _4_ five families in our street. And there are eight young children in these families. _5_mother is going to _6_some cookies and bring them to the party. But they do not _7_ to bring any drink. My mother will _8_ enough (足够) dr

8、ink. The children will be very _9_, because they can enjoy a lot of _10_cookies. 六、给下列问句选择相应的答语。(5% ) ()1. Does Mr Gao often call you?A. Yes, I was. ()2. Do you often help your parents?B. Yes, I did. ()3. Are you preparing todays lesson?C. No, he doesnt. ()4. Were you in Cuangzhou last month?D. Yes,

9、 I do. ()5. Did you finish your English homework?E. Yes, we are. 七、给下面的图片选择正确的城市或国家。(8% ) A. ItalyB. ChinaC. the USAD. Japan E. LondonF. ParisG. CanadaH. Singapore 春知教育 2 八、看图补全句子,每空只填一个单词。(12% ) 1. They are talking on the_ about the hook. 2. She is_ the dishes (碗碟). 3. He is writing a _ to his frie

10、nd. 4. They are going to_ dinner. 5. She is tired and she would like to _. 春知教育 3 6. Andy is going to a birthday_ tomorrow night. 九、阅读短文,根据内容判断正误,若正确写“T”,否则写“F”。(10% ) Mrs Jones was waiting for a telephone call, butshe had no bread inthe house, so she left ( 留下) the baby at home and said to his five

11、-year- old brother, Im going to the shops, Jimmy, and I will he back in a few minutes. Then she left (离开) home. Now the telephone rang (响) , and Jimmy answered it. Hello, said a man, is your mother there? No, answered Jimmy. Well, please say to her, Mr Baker called. What? Mr Baker. Write it down B-A

12、-K-E-R. How do you make a B? How do I make.? Listen, little boy, are there any brothers or sisters with you? My brother Billy is here. Good, I want to talk to him, please. All right. Jimmy put the telephone to the babys bed and gave (给) it to Billy. Then their mother came back. She asked, Did anyone

13、 call? Yes, said Jimmy, A man, but he only wanted to talk to Billy. () 1. Mrs Jones has two children. () 2. Mrs Jones wants to buy some bread. () 3. Jimmy is a baby. () 4. Jimmy cant write. () 5. The man only wanted to talk to Billy. 十、读短文,选择短文后问题的答案。(10% ) New YorkNew York Many people think New Yor

14、k is the capital of the United States. It is not. But it is the biggest city in the USA. More than ten million people live in New York, and they are from all over (全部)the world! New York is an international city. New York has a lovely nickname-Big Apple. There are many places to go and many things t

15、o see in Big Apple. The Statue of Liberty (自由女神像) is a landmark ( 地标) of New York. It stands high at New York harbour (港口). And it is a present from the French! If you want to do shopping in New York, go to the Fifth Street. Make sure you have enough(足够) money with you! If you are a museum lover, Ne

16、w York is the right place to go. There are lots of museums in this city. Many teachers and parents take their children to these museums. 春知教育 4 You learn a lot in them! If you are tired, go to the Central Park and relax. You can talk a walk in it; you can have a rest on the benches under the big tre

17、es; you can lie (躺) on the grass and do nothing. Central Park is a peaceful land in a busy city! () 1. Why is New York an International city? A. Because it is very big. B. Because many people live in this city. C. Because the people in New York are from all over the world. () 2. What is the Chinese

18、for nickname? A. 绰号.B. 全名.C. 小名. () 3. Which of the following is a present from French? A. The Statue of Liberty.B. The Central Park.C. The Big Apple. () 4. Where can you have a good rest and relax in New York? A. The museums in New York.B. The Central Park.C. The Fifth Street. () 5. Why do the pare

19、nts and teachers take their children to the museums in New York? A. Because the children can learn a lot in these museums. B. Because they can do shopping in it. C. Because they can relax in them. 十一、写邀请卡。(10% ) You are going to have a reading party at 9:30 next Saturday morning. You want your friend Li Ling to come to your party. You want her to bring her n






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